A silky- soft mink style lash with a delicate kick-out at the corners. These light lashes are all handmade and each is reusable. Handmade and reusable for up to 10 wears, every lash pack also comes with our latex free lash glue that is guaranteed to last up to 18 hours.
Eylure London Lashes Luxe Faux Mink Baroque

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A silky- soft mink style lash with a delicate kick-out at the corners. These light lashes are all handmade and each is reusable. Handmade and reusable for up to 10 wears, every lash pack also comes with our latex free lash glue that is guaranteed to last up to 18 hours.

In-Stock - Leaves Melbourne warehouse in 1-2 business days.